Family Sundays
Prevention of sexual violence against children

On 13 November at 9.15am at Palácio Anjos, Ângelo Fernandes from Quebrar o Silêncio Association will conduct the Workshop Prevention of sexual violence against children.
Break the Silence is a non-profit association, which supports male survivors of sexual violence and abuse. They aim to provide an environment in which any male survivor of sexual violence feels safe to share what he feels, say what he thinks and, if he feels the need, show his vulnerability without fear. They want to be a space where dialogue about sexual violence against men and boys happens in a healthy and informed way, without fears and prejudices.
This is a workshop aimed at fathers, mothers and carers and seeks to train participants in dialogue in this environment. The workshop will have a maximum number of 10 inscriptions and the participation implies registration until 48h before to the