General public

PLAY BODY — Scenes from the Inner Life of a scenographic body

Os Espacialistas  
August 11 at 5pm
by appointmentup to 48 hours before

On August 11, 5pm, at Palácio Anjos, Os Espacialistas will conduct “PLAY BODY: scenes from the inner life of a scenographic body”, a workshop for interior repairs and fictional genres, where, from the female scenographic body born from segregation, poetic and aesthetic of the imaterial, real and imaginary qualities of the works of art present in the exhibition, participants will learn to notice the body of the spaces that surround them and the «scenes of inner life» that characterize them.

Os Espacialistas, a laboratory collective for theoretical and practical research on the links between Art, Architecture and Education, were born in 2008 and are a group of young Portuguese architects who pursue a utopian and alternative vision of Architecture.

Participation in the workshop requires registration up to 48 hours in advance to


The exhibition Amor Veneris — Journey to Female Sexual Pleasure gives impetus to a monthly activity schedule, including workshops, conversations, family activities or pop-up visits to the exhibition and performances, always with the purpose of reflecting on the importance of sexual pleasure and female sexuality.